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Cleaning Tips to Get Your Home Sparkling: Get Your Shine On!

NEW  |  JUN 19, 2023


Starting To Clean And Declutter Bit by Bit 

It's time to roll up your sleeves, slap on some rubber gloves, and get dirty with some serious cleaning business. We all want our homes to shine like a palace. Yet let's face it – keeping things squeaky clean can be a real pain in the you-know-what. Here are some tips to help you manage a cleaner home, one step at a time.

  • Banish Dust Bunnies: Those little fluff balls may be cute, but they're also the arch-nemesis of a clean home. Grab your trusty feather duster or microfiber cloth and give your surfaces a good once-over. Vacuum after this, and get rid of the dust particles you just tossed in the air. 
  • Scrub-Scrub-Scrub: The kitchen and bathroom are notorious troublemakers regarding dirt and grime. Arm yourself with a powerful all-purpose cleaner, and scrub those countertops and sinks well. Remember to pay extra attention to those pesky corners and crevices where dirt likes to hide. You'll have a kitchen and bathroom that would make Martha Stewart jealous in no time.
  • Slay the Stains: stains can turn a good day into a major bummer. But fear not, stain warriors! Grab a bottle of your favourite stain remover, like a ninja with a mission, and attack those blemishes head-on. Sayonara, stains! Your carpets and upholstery will thank you.
  • Get Organized: It's time to channel your inner Marie Kondo and declutter like a pro. Sort your belongings and ask yourself, "Does this spark joy?" If the answer is no, it's time to bid adieu. Donate, sell, or toss those unnecessary items and reclaim your space.
  • It doesn't need to be done all in one go. Busy cooking rice? While you wait, go and wipe down countertops or fold some laundry (Just don't let your rice boil over if you want more mess). 
  • Clean your cleaning equipment. You can’t have a sanitary home if what you are cleaning with. Mainly you’ll want a bucket and lukewarm water. Make sure to wash cloths and clean out the vacuum. The dustbins need a wipe-down, too. 
  • Gather all your cleaning tools in a caddy so you won't waste time looking for them while you clean. Have them all by you on stand-by mode. 
  • Dust and vacuum the ceiling fans, furniture, undersides of shelves, handrails, picture frames, knickknacks and TV screens. Places you may not have thought of to clean. Polish items, clear vents - anywhere grime may be.
  • Razor Focus Areas: Focus on cleaning the kitchen, bathrooms (when last were those towels changed?) tubs and toilets. 
  • Don't forget to wipe down the inside of the microwave. and in the oven.  
  • Suck It Up! Vacuum every carpeted room in one pass-through, and try not to miss a nook and cranny.

Now, I know what you're thinking – "But where do I find all these cleaning essentials?" Fear not, Head on over to Somerset. There you’ll find anything you need. These fantastic stores will have what you need: Pick n Pay, Game, Woolworths, DisChem, Clicks, or The Crazy Store. These stores are a gold mine filled with cleaning supplies, from feather dusters to floor cleaners, stain removers, to storage solutions. You'll find everything you need to make your cleaning mission a success. Pick n Pay has a wide variety and stocks things other stores don't. Game is a similar store, where anything one can think of, they have. And more. 

Woolworths is where to go if you are looking for eco-friendly cleaning products or bamboo cleaning equipment. Dischem and Clicks have a hidden corner of cleaning supplies, always the ones you may forget if you already hit the grocery store and now want to pick up some things at the pharmacy. Remember to check these isles in case you forget to grab fabric softener. 

The Crazy Store has it all, from brushes and brooms to kitchen decor. 

Final Word

Embrace these cleaning tips, don't do it all in one day, and don't over-exert yourself doing one ‘big clean’. Now, play some tunes, and let the cleaning party begin! Remember, a clean home is a happy home. Now go forth and conquer those stains!

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